曾於美國錄製發燒結他唱片 《 Move On 》 ,獲得世界級結他大師 Tommy
Emmanuel 推崇,在港出版後,迅即擠身 HMV 最受歡迎之十大唱片,與及 HK
Record 之銷量排行榜三甲之位。
權威音響雜誌 《 Audio Technique
》:「香港終於出現了一位能撩起聽眾心中一團火的結他大師, Jacky Lau
"Jacky Lau brings together all the best attributes of an APA alumni,
a fine performer, a creative artist and an entrepreneur, and most
importantly, an artist with a strong social conscience and
commitment to his community."
Prof. Walter, Adrian AM
Director of The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts